Write For Us

Yes, you. We’re always looking for new authors. If you’ve got a good idea that will challenge our readers and move our industry forward, we want to hear about it. Just aim to bring readers a fresh perspective on a subject that’s keeping you up at night.

To be honest, writing for Find Best Firms takes work. We want your article to be at its best and we’ll push to get there. Once accepted you will get extensive feedback from our experts. As our audience is made up of people who interested in the IT industry including a mobile app, software, website or e-commerce development, and online marketing. In general, they are big entrepreneurs, startup founders, mid-sized business owners or established enterprises. Your contributed article post should help such audiences gain actionable insights. So, before starting writing for you please read our guest article contributor guidelines here.

Topic Categories We Welcome

Guest Writer Guidelines

  • Not simply care about hitting word count targets- ensure that our reader receives all the knowledge needed to make any business effective. A post should be at least 1000 words and may contain HD images and outbound links that improve the overall reader’s experience.
  • An article/blog should be 100% unique (not copied from anywhere) and hasn’t been published on the Internet.
  • Ensure that every piece of content is crafted in third-person.
  • No grammatical error and the unstructured post will be considered for Findbestfirms.com. Proofread your article before sharing it with us.
  • The post should not be promotional or advertorial. We strictly don’t allow you to promote your business or product/service here. These means do not add your company name or link to it.
  • Include a short summary of your article at the top underneath your title.
  • Include at least 2 images in your articles in PNG or Jpeg format. We do not accept stock photos. Please use screenshots, relevant graphics and other images that illustrate your points.
  • Submit articles as .doc or.docx. not Google Doc.

Editorial Process

We review each article post and reach out to contributor within 7-10 working days and share feedback. If you don’t hear back from us, your post is not the right fit for our audience.

Our team reserves the right to remove links and edit the content for more readability before final publication at our platform.  While our editorial team reviews each post and may adjust formatting as needed. Note: Posts that require heavy editing may be rejected.