B2B Email Marketing Strategy to Boost Business Sales

B2B Email Marketing Strategy to Boost Business Sales

Emails are important but they are also in plenty if you open your email box every time. Very seldom it would happen that all the emails in your inbox would actually catch your attention. For an individual, their time and effort to read an email are crucial, they don’t read them all. They do only after their eyes catch the attention of that one good email! They see it, click on it, open it, read, scroll a little, read more, finish, and might forward it to someone if they find it interesting enough. Now, this scenario is rare, people sometimes just exit the email without even reading it completely.

Hence, coming back to our first sentence- Emails are important. Especially in order to generate Business-to-business (B2B) sales and market your brand (email marketing). They are effective, that’s why everyone tries to crack their heads over it to make the best out of it. According to the Direct Marketing Association, on average, email marketing sees a 4300% ROI for brands in the United States. Why? Because it is simple to manage and allows direct communication between prospects and customers. Also, email marketing is affordable, persuasive, and can get you results in terms of traffic and B2B e-commerce. Further, you check our list of Top Email Marketing Companies.

In this blog, we will tell you about the best practices of B2B email marketing and how to speed up your game in building B2B email marketing strategies.

1. Personalize your Emails

Val Geisler, an email marketing strategist once said, “the most effective emails come when written from human to human.”

A personalized touch in the emails is always a go-ahead compared to emails that say go in the name of your company. An individual would be more interested in clicking on an email from ‘Neha, Find Best Firms,’ than clicking at ‘Find Best Firms’.

Wherever possible, one should create a unique experience for their customers by adding a personal element to the emails, starting with ‘To’ and ‘From’ names.

2. Make your Own Email List

One’s own email list is one of the primary and most important aspects of a successful email marketing strategy.

Now, you have to tell a story, put a B2B brand in place, and promote it while convincing potential customers—this requires a specified audience list who will be engaging with you throughout the process.

Although email lists can take some time to build, and you’d also be tempted to buy an email list to get started but building your own list using an email finder is one of the smartest things you can do for your B2B brand.

3. Experiment with Emojis

Emojis always gain attention. Always, without a doubt. They have grown and evolved over the years and have also become one of the favorites of marketers and even customers. Why? Because they are an easier way to communicate, are more engaging, and can relate to your customers. Incorporating emojis into your email marketing strategy can give your brand personality and uniqueness while strengthening your brand’s image and overall engagement. Businesses using emojis in the subject line have seen a 56% increase in their unique open rates.

4. Make it Mobile-friendly

Most individuals check their emails on their mobile phones, given the increased usage. Around 66% of emails are opened on smartphones or tablets. A study from Adestra found that if an email is not mobile-friendly, it will most likely go to the trash within three seconds. And 15% of mobile users will unsubscribe if an email is not mobile-friendly. Hence it becomes crucial to make your emails mobile-friendly and follow it in your email marketing strategy, besides keeping them desktop-friendly, or you could lose out on engagement or even a potential B2B customer.

5. Make it Easy to Unsubscribe

You wake up in the morning and see more than 20 unread marketing emails in your inbox. You are most likely to be annoyed because multiple emails can be daunting.

A good marketer will always make it easier for their recipient to unsubscribe. Make it easy and let your audience control their subscriptions with an “unsubscribe” or “manage subscription” option at the end of the footer.

Generally, an unsubscribe rate below 0.5% is a reasonable rate for an email campaign, but anything above 0.5% means you should reconsider your strategy.

Your customers could get frustrated if they find it difficult or challenging to unsubscribe. If your subscribers can’t opt out, they will mark your content as spam. It’s always good to know your subscribers because they will only get messages that are important to them.

6. Monitor and Analyze

Data-driven decision-making is crucial in B2B email marketing. Use analytics to track the performance of your email campaigns, including open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Adjust your strategy based on what the data tells you.

Example: If a B2B e-commerce platform notices that a particular email has a high click-through rate but a low conversion rate, they might revise the content to better align with their audience’s needs.

7. Compliance and Privacy

In the B2B world, it’s essential to respect email regulations and privacy. Ensure that your email marketing practices comply with relevant laws and regulations, such as GDPR or the CAN-SPAM Act.

Example: A B2B financial services provider would maintain rigorous compliance practices to safeguard sensitive client information.


B2B email marketing can be a potent force for building and nurturing valuable business relationships. By understanding your audience, crafting compelling content, personalizing your emails, and leveraging automation, you can create effective campaigns that drive engagement and growth. Regularly monitor and analyze your campaigns to refine your strategies and ensure compliance with email regulations. When executed thoughtfully, B2B email marketing can be a cornerstone of your business development efforts.



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